Hola Los Amigos: Alex, Celia, Dan, Heidi, Kaise, Max, y Robert,
This is our blog-site in which all of your friends and family will be vicariously living through. Once a week one of you will be a "blogger"/author who will describe all the juicy details of our amazing, twisting, bumpy and winding roads that we travel along during the next three months. We encourage you to peruse past blogs to get an idea of what they might, might look like. Also, please inform your family and friends of this site, and show them how to log in, so they will know what an amazing and authentic experience we are having.
In addition to gaining responsibility of the blog, we will have other job titles assigned and rotated once every 1-2 weeks. They are described below. Contemplate which one you are most enthused to take charge of for the first couple weeks of the semester.
Cribs: Organizes any sleeping accommodations we need. ie: hotel/hostel/camping
Coordinates our transportation to and from cities, activities, caves...
Director of Fun:
Scopes out and arranges fun activities. ie: Hiking volcanoes, reiki classes, salsa lessons...
El Cap:
The leader of our team who makes sure everything runs according to date, corresponds with budget and is plainly doing their job. Yeah, crack that whip... ;)
Actually one of the most important roles. The slacker picks up the slack we all drag behind. If we are messy, you help clean up and delegate us to pick up our poop. The slacker may also write appreciation letters to those in communities helping us have an amazing experience and may deliver flowers and chocolate... you get the idea.
This person compliments the slacker. He/she tags people throughout the week with stickers or ribbons as he/she catches them performing acts of kindness, growing in a special way, recognizes strong effort, pushing comfort zones, etc.
Clark Kent: The news reporter who finds out current events in local communities, U.S. happenings and any other cultural information we should be aware us as we travel.
Spanish Spiller: provides us with a word of the day and encourages us to use it until we are blue in the face. ie: "VACA" "Tengo un vaca en mi camiseta." Yes, we just wrote that.
We are pupped for our upcoming endeavors as we get ready for this place called Central America, and hope you are too. Spend lots of time with your family and friends, eat lots of American food and listen to a lot of Latino music. We'll See you sooner than later!
Karen and Andy