Tuesday, November 24, 2009

If You Had a Tail, What Kind of Tail Would You Have?

If you were born with a tail, what kind of tail would it be? This question was tossed around amongest our group at the breakfast table this morning. In years past I had considered this question and decided I would like to have a big, bushy, red, fox tail. I feel it would be very suiting on me. It was decided that Alex would have the tail of a lion, Celia would have that of a unicorn, which by the way is different then that of an ordinary horses tail because it glitters like a disco ball in the sun and sounds like wind chimes when whisping in the breeze. Karen started out with a bunny tail but after some persuasion decided that it was not functional enough and settled with a kangaroo tail, obviously. So we have Andy, Kaise and Dan who all chose monkey tails. My immediate reaction to this choice was a positive one, for I felt all of the above ¨deserved¨, for lack of a better word, such a tail. However, when suggested that the appropriate tail for Dan was, of course a fluffy, little, bear tail I was instantly converted, to Dans dismay. Kaise and Andy remain our friends with monkey tails, a very practicle choice, for it has many uses and must be quite nimble and easy to manuver. Leave it to Max to pick the tail of a scorpion, prime for defending himself against dangerouse enemies. Lastly but most definetly not leastly, Bobby chose a longated shark tail, perfect for living a life of evolution in our underwater future.
So I highly suggest you take the opening question into seriouse consideration and please do share, what tail would decorate your oh so lovely behind?

Lots and lots of big, silly lovins all over the place!

- Heidi


Unknown said...

Taking the challenge. I would like a big fluffy cat tail to wrap around me and keep me warm and cozy during kitty-cat nap time. Right, Bobby? Carry on your fabulous journey all. Love the love, silliness, and giggles. If we can't smile and laugh what is the use. Blessings.

Heidi's mom said...

Just to be different, It would have to be a platter-puss tail.
